
The Anxious Church
Why the church has struggled to address mental illness well and how we can care better.
Finding a (Real) Christian College
A professor explains why examining a school’s doctrinal statement isn’t enough.
Particular Wrongs Need Particular Remedies
Every sin requires Christ’s atonement. But the Bible shows God punishing—and repairing—different sins differently.
Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
A late historian explores how crusade hymns told both the classic story of gospel salvation and the evolving story of evangelical worship music.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.
What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
The rage of the mob is a poor substitute for real community.
Let the Cultural Christians Come unto Jesus
The world is realizing anew that our faith has tangible benefits. This is an opportunity for the gospel.
The Church Shouldn’t Be an Echo Chamber
Let us not give up meeting together—even when we disagree.
Eco-anxiety Is Crippling Gen Z. How Can We Move Forward?
Christians can disciple each other toward action, prayer, and hope.
Let the Seas Rise and Feed the Poor
Helping marine biodiversity flourish is a means of participating in God’s work, says an Indonesian theologian.
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.
Criticizing Critical Race Theory—and Its Critics
A new book seems oddly outraged that CRT skeptics take its arguments seriously.
Can a Secularizing Nation Have a Christian Soul?
One of England’s finest writers surveys the past and present of English faith.
The Secret Sin of ‘Mommy Juice’
Alcoholism among women is rising. Can the church help?
How to Pray with ADHD
Christians with neurodivergence are exploring other options for devotions and Bible study.
Yes, Charisma Has a Place in the Pulpit
But let’s not mistake it for calling.
Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Found Not Guilty
And other brief news from believers around the world.
Was Paul a Slave?
The surprising argument that Saul of Tarsus was born into bondage.
‘Bluey’: A Heavenly Vision of Life Together
The popular kids series reminds parents that playfulness is next to godliness.
You Can’t Reach People for Christ While Holding Their Culture at Arm’s Length
A veteran missiologist shares a lifetime of lessons on bringing the gospel into unfamiliar settings.

Top Story June 10, 2024

Tony Evans Steps Away from Ministry, Citing Old Sin
Tony Evans Steps Away from Ministry, Citing Old Sin
The first African American to have both a study Bible and a full Bible commentary bearing his name said he will submit to the “biblical standard of repentance and restoration.”

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